Simon Stoepfgeshoff, PhD

Dr. Simon Stoepfgeshoff teaches Strategic Human Resources Management in the DBA and PhD programs at ISM. Dr. Stoepfgeshoff holds a diploma in business administration and a PhD from the University of Bayreuth. He is currently the Director of Customized Programs for the Executive School of Management, Law & Technology at the University of St. Gallen, and is also a professor of International Human Resource Management at the University of Applied Sciences of Bern.
As Director of Customized Programs at the University of St. Gallen, Dr. Stoepfgeshoff works with companies to analyze and define strategic learning needs and to design and deliver customized learning initiatives. He has eight years of human resources management consulting experience in France and Germany (HayGroup), has held corporate roles in Hoffmann La-Roche, and Alstom Group (Alstom University), and has acted as the Chief Learning Officer at Vestas Wind Systems, Denmark. Furthermore, Dr. Stoepfgeshoff has experience consulting, teaching, and training in the US and Asia.