Tobias de Coning, PhD

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department Chair
Dr. Tobias de Coning teaches Human Resources Management in the IMBA program and Managing Small and Medium Sized Entreprises in the DBA and PhD programs at ISM. Dr. de Coning is an academic from Stellenbosch University, South Africa, where he also holds a senior management position as Chief Director: Strategic Initiatives and Human Resources. His academic focus and background are in the fields of Strategic and General Management; Entrepreneurship – with a special focus on Entrepreneurship in small and medium sized enterprises as well as in Corporate Entrepreneurship (Intrapreneurship); and, in Human Resources Management.
Over the last couple of years, he has worked extensively on projects aimed at the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises and is currently also involved in a major project on this topic sponsored by Barclays Africa. He is also a visiting professor at both Coventry University as well as Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom, where his work focuses on the subject of Systemic Entrepreneurship. He is also a visiting professor at EMS Strasbourg, where he teaches Strategic Human Resources Management. Professor de Coning is an experienced supervisor and study leader at both the master and PhD levels. He has wide-ranging international experience and currently also works extensively with the Association of Africa Universities (AAU) to advance the functionality of member universities. This is done in collaboration with international agencies such as CASE.