Studying at ISM has been one of the best experiences I’ve had so far in my life. The MBA program here is truly an international program that connects people from all around the world, helping us learn about other traditions, languages, opinions, and ways of thinking and living.

I started my MBA four months ago, and each of the seminars I’ve taken has been a different and exciting experience. Before each seminar, you never know which new challenges you are going to face, the professor’s teaching style, or which new students you may be interacting with. Every seminar is a challenge that fills me with adrenaline.

Coming from Mexico City to a different continent to do my MBA has been overall very fulfilling. Living in France and studying in English pushes you to the limit and keeps you wondering what new things you’ll have to go through every day.

One of my favorite seminars was Advertising and Communications. During the seminar, we had the opportunity to go on a business site visit with Professor Nathan Sambul. He explained theory with interesting real-life examples and relevant topics. The seminar was dynamic and applicable in our daily and future working lives. Every other seminar I’ve had has been excellent due to the professors we have had the opportunity to meet at ISM; they are all experienced in their fields, with amazing working backgrounds from all around the world.

As our program has a very flexible schedule, traveling around Europe becomes easier. The ability to travel from one city to another either by train, by airplane, or even on a road trip gives ISM students the ability to enrich their lives culturally between seminars. My last trip was a road trip to Normandy in the north of France with one of my closest friends from ISM. The connections I’ve been able to make at ISM with some of my classmates have definitely been one of the things I cherish the most about the program. We are all on the same path and heading to similar goals in our lives, as well as doing our MBA programs together.

Doing your MBA internationally is something I would highly recommend to people whose goals are to experience different cultures, who are interested in receiving a global perspective, and who are not afraid of pushing themselves.

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